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Addiction and strategies for confronting them
Bisexual and moral deviances
Combating inequality for social justice and poverty reduction
Cybercrime and cyberspace
Cyberspaces ,requirements and damages
Development programs and public policy related to social problems
Economic and social crimes and pathology and ways of to control them
Elite migration
Epidemiology of social pathologies and social deviances
Etiology and typology of social damages , social deviances , crimes and economic corruption
Future Inquiry and policy waking in order, security area and their pathologies
Geography and security , analysis of spatial distribution of crimes and no security
Marginalization and informal settlements and its pathologies
Marriage and family and their pathologies
Order in social space (urban systems transportation ,Traffic, space spatial accessibility )
Pathologies of life style of Iranian people
Prevention of social pathologies and deviation, crime and economic corruption
Social evolution management
Social problem related to citizenship rights
Social problems related to institution of education
Social problems related to social, economic ,political and moral security
Youth and their social problem
امنیت اجتماعی، اقتصادی، روانی، عمومی، سیاسی
نظاSocial control (internal , external control ,community control systems)